If you are looking into the Catholic faith, whether it be for answers to questions or if you are interested in becoming Catholic, welcome! We are happy to journey with you.
First, we want to say that God loves you and delights in you! He wants you to seek the truth. It is great to ask questions and figure out who God truly is. No matter where you are in your faith journey, God wants to be in relationship with you.
At St. John the Baptist, we have a program for people inquiring about the Catholic faith called the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, or OCIA (formerly RCIA). Those who have not been baptized, those baptized in other Christian denominations, or those baptized but not catechized as Catholics enter into a process where they can learn about Christ within the Catholic Christian community.
Candidates in the OCIA program meet with a team of people from our church to learn about the faith over the course of a year. During this time we also encourage the candidate to plug into parish life by coming to Mass and joining a small group or ministry. If a candidate decides he or she wants to become Catholic, then they can go through the rites of initiation, including receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation.
We invite you to get in touch with us by calling the parish office (419-726-2034). God bless you!